There are many myths in pig farming. One you’ve probably heard is that pigs won’t graze in pasture. Given the right circumstances this couldn’t be further from the truth. Pigs are opportunists, they forage for the most nutritious food available to them. In most farms this comes in the form of the food given to them. If outdoor reared with little supplementation, they will graze on the plants growing before digging up the roots and invertebrates below the soil level.
Our pigs are a far cry from the intense factory farmed. Traditionally stood on concrete with no stimulus or channel for their naturally inquisitive and curious minds. Although this can create a faster growing and maturing pig with traditional breeds, it doesn’t create a happy, well flavoured and slow maturing pig, as nature intended.
Our rare breed pigs couldn’t be more different, feasting on the array of herbaceous pasture available to them and cover crops, our pigs graze on the array of herbaceous plants and vegetables throughout the year. Being naturally intelligent, pigs thrive on the stimulation of foraging. This is where we believe they are at their happiest.
Once the pigs have taken the very best of what’s on offer above soil level, then eventually, they revert to rooting and disturbing the soil for roots, tubers and insects. Our rare breed, slow maturing pigs, thrive in this environment. Being left to layer fat and slow grown muscle, this creates a unique flavour.
Outside of the pasture offering food above soil level, it also offers a place to nest. When the grass is long and gone to seed, you’ll find the pigs have bedded down in nests. Places perfect for sunbathing, feeding their piglets or taking a nap!
As with most animals, stimulated foraging has a direct link to the flavour of the meat. Their quest for the most delicious morsels turn them into selective grazers. Working with nature, our animals maintain the balance and harmony of our farm through forage grazing.
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