We choose to be Soil Association Organic Certified to give our customers confidence that we have to stick to organic standards otherwise we wouldn't pass our annual inspections. Our yearly inspections consist of vigorous paperwork checks, livestock welfare checks and proof we are abiding to the regulations with all other organic standards.
We choose to be Pasture For Life Certified which much like our organic inspections, PFL requires us to not only reach a high standard but also prove it. This accreditation not only gives you trust that our beef really is 100% grass fed only, but faith that we are also inspected on how we look to preserve and improve our soil health and biodiversity here on farm.
heNot only are we members of the Nature Friendly Farming Network, but Amelia has been selected to be a NFFN champion. The Nature Friendly Farming Network is for farmers who share same concerns and visions for our British countryside. We strive to advocate for what is our soils, ecosystems, water courses and British wildlife need in order to thrive. We know how we choose to farm our land has a big impact on this.
We are humbled to announce we won Tenant Farmer Of The Year in the South West Farmer Awards 2023. Tenant Farmer of the Year is dedicated to the farmers who have not inherited a farm and who possibly do not even
come from a farming family. It takes a certain grit to start a farming enterprise from the ground up.
Our mangalitza pork won overall Best Food Product out of 500+ entries in the Food Drink Devon 2023 Awards! Specifically our manga mince was what allowed us to take home the award! Not only this but our pork also received a platinum award that evening alongside Gold for our highland beef steak for it's supreme flavouring.
2024 started off on a high when our Mangalitza pork leg joint received Gold in the well established Taste Of The West awards. We are ecstatic to think our rare breed pigs have won the hearts (or stomachs!) of the judges to receive this accreditation for our high animal welfare product.
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