We believe in keeping our livestock out on pastures, whether thats pork or beef, allowing them to live in a natural habitat. Grass doesn't only make up their home but much or all of their diet too. By having our cattle as Pasture For Life Certified means our highlands only digest our organic pastures their entire lives, no nonsense in-between.
Feeding our cattle on grass means they develop meat that is leaner and full of amino-acids that as healthier for us as consumers. It also allows them to lay down fat slower, creating a more marbled and therefore flavoursome meat. We also believe morally it is a better way of farming. Cattle are naturally designed to digest grass, they are ruminants, their guts aren't designed to digest grain efficiently so use up lots of energy doing so, as well as the energy consumed in cultivating the grain to begin with. We purposely selected highland cattle for one of the reasons being that they are excellent at living on grass, even our shrubby pastures with no extra dietary intervention needed.
If the above was not enough to convince you that investing in grass fed produce should your priority then we can confirm recent studies of grass fed beef has been shown to contain as three times more Omega-3 (good fats found in oily fish) than grain fed beef. This helps aids prevention of depression and cancer, whilst lowering blood pressure.
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